The Betsy’s Writer-in-Residence, Grace Aneiza Ali (Art Curator, Scholar, and Assistant Professor at Florida State University) will present a reading and conversation.
Grace Aneiza Ali will speak about her new work-in-progress (The Geography of Separation) as well as the current release, Liminal Spaces: Migration and Women of the Guyanese Diaspora. Dr. Kei Miller (Poet and Professor at University of Miami) will introduce and host the event. This residency is a catalyst for the development of experimental works, the sharing of new projects, and long-term engagement with the Miami-based, Global South organization, Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator. Ali is participating in the DVCAI Writer-in-Residence Program in collaboration in The Writers Room @theBetsyHotel, supported with a grant from Perez CreARTE. This is a two hour event. RSVP here. (Enter The B-Bar At The Betsy through the entryway at 1440 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach).