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Betsy Exhibitions

Charlie Spot
man pushing a baby carriage

Exhibit Details

Charlie Spot (b.1994) is an emerging London based artist who began his career in 2019. He specializes in light box and street photography taken in the UK, Europe, US and Asia. 

His work is a documentation and exploration of culture within countries and societies. This includes Women Going Gold, which focuses on the mix of cultures within the Middle East and access to varying forms of information. 

Each body of work explores a pressing topic that affects our world today, including mental health and climate change, often using figurines and inanimate objects to highlight his message. Charlie uses the familiarity and nostalgia of his subjects to draw the audience into the pieces, which when discussed leads to new nuances emerging within the details.The work is intended to bring joy, reflection and conversation into new environments, welcoming all demographics to engage with each other. 

Charlie has exhibited works in solo and group shows in London, as well as group shows in Portugal and at the former Rubell Museum in Miami. He is the founder of Subtitle Labs in 2022, a nomadic gallery that mentors, educates and supports emerging artistic talent globally.

Darth Vader in a carriage
stuffed animals on the floor
man walking down the street with food and two people with their heads in a box
people sitting on a couch outside
the hulk toy emerging from his packaging
two crocodiles toys eating a shoe
plastic army men in front of a toy couch with a peace sign
marlboro box with no sugar added on the box
red box of marlboro's
stuffed animal polar bear in a child's play car
3 women sitting on a couch outside reading the news paper
star wars toys playing hangman
star wars toys in white playing hangman
military green men toys with a free yoga sign
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